By Shinkansen to Osaka

The fabulous bullet train – We were about to find out if the stories were true. Is it smooth? Is it quiet? Is it comfortable? Is it as exciting a machine to look at in the ‘metal’ as it is in pictures?

Two views of our train arriving at Tokyo Station.

Details of our train: Shinkansen 700 Series (Hikari 505), bound for Shin-Osaka.

The ladies in pink are the cleaning team, waiting at the platform as our train arrived. 20 minutes later (if that!) the train was ready for us to board.

Two views of the inside of the train. The first shows the extreme length of the carriage. The second shows the width and the comfortable amount of leg room each seat has.

The rear of the train, when the train returns, the white headlamps turn red to act as rear lights.

The ‘Pilot’ and his train. This highly prestigious and coveted position means that his uniform is more like an airline pilot’s.

A different Shinkansen spotted at Shin-Osaka station, not sure which type.

For the enthusiasts amongst you, the Hikari 505 that we were on, is the fastest Shinkansen that you can ride with a JR Rail Pass (A special discounted travel card only available to overseas visitors). It travels at a maximum speed of 270km/h, and covered the journey of 514.4km (from Tokyo Station to Shin-Osaka Station) in 3 hours. This particular service stopped at several other stations en route.

So what’s the verdict?

Visually it’s a beautiful machine, inside it’s very much like being in an aircraft. The ride is very smooth, quiet and apart from the occasional banking when it takes a curve, there is not very much obvious feeling of movement. There are times when it does whine like it has jet engines, but this is not really obtrusive. A great way to travel and a great experience.